Selasa, 30 Desember 2008

Perubahan yang baik


KAI = Perubahan

ZEN = Baik

Untuk sukses manusia harus berubah menjadi ke arah yang lebih baik. Orang tersebut harus bisa merubah keadaan . Dia bisa merubah keadaan tapi dengan syarat dia harus merubah dirinya dulu

Rumus kunci sukes dalam merubah diri

Sukses : f ( IQ + EQ + SQ + AQ + PQ ) – EGO

Arti :

IQ = kecerdasan seseorang

EQ = Kecerdasan emosional

SQ= Kecerdasan spiritual

AQ = Daya tahan seseorang

PQ = kecerdasan fisik

EGO = sifat ego seseorang

Seseorang makin pintar bila sekolah makin tinggi hal itu benar tapi harus di barengi dengan bagaimana orang tersebut memanage perasaannya , lalu apalah gunanya seserang pintar tapi dia tanpa menggunakan perasaan maka seseorang yang pintar harus banyak mendekatkan diri padaNYA berpasrah diri padaNYA karena sepintar pintarnya manusia , dia terbatas karena kepintaran tanpa perasaan akan sadis dan perasaan tanpa kepintaran adalah kebodohan . Semakin seseorang mendapatkan banyak masalah semakin kuatlah dia hidup . Semakin dia bisa menyesaikan masalah- masalah yang terjadi dalam hidup dia makin pintarlah orang tesebut . dengan pintarnya seseorang ,cerdas secara emosional dan spiritual juga meiliki hati yang kuat akan tercermin pada prilaku orang tersebut , bahasa tubuhnya akan berbeda. Setelah seseorang bisa memperbaiki kesemua hal tersebut di atas diapun harus bisa melawan ego dalam dirinya adalah hal yang tidak berarti bila seseorang tersebut bisa memiliki ke semua di atas dan tetap mempertahankan ego yang di milikinya , bukanlah hal yang mudah melawan ego tersebut tanpa bisa kita melawan ego hal di atas hanyalah sebuah teori.

Bila anda bisa menguasai kesemua hal di atas saya yakin anda akan bisa merubah keadaan, karena anda paham bagian mana yang harus di ubah dan bagian mana yang harus di pertahankan.

Senin, 29 Desember 2008

Anak adalah refleksi dari orang tua

Air cucuran atap jatuhnya ke pelimbahan juga .
Pohon apel berbuah apel , itulah kata-kata orang tua. Adalah seseorang yang saya kenal baik semasa muda dia mengikuti segala kemauan hatinya, segala kemauannya harus di ikuti hingga suatu saat dia salah membawa diri . Sewaktu dia muda orang tuanya begitu menyayangi dia memang sewaktu itu dia berasal dari keluarga yang berada , saat dia kuliah , dia mencintai seorang pria yang salah .yang saya maksud salah adalah bukan orangnya kurang kaya atau wajahnya tampan tapi karakter sang pasangan tidak cocok dengan karakter orang tersebut jadi dia keras dan sang pasanganpun keras , memang sewaktu pacaran terasa indah karena perasaannya bergelora di dada tapi seiring waktu peraaan itu hilang hingga suatu waktu dia kawin muda dengan pria tersebut . Sayangnya pernikahan tersebut tidak bertahan lama jadi keaadaan dia kuliah tidak selesai dan sekarang menjadi janda sungguh sangat di sayangkan padahal sewaktu dia kuliah , dia kuliah kedokteran . Seandainya kuliahnya selesai maka mungkin saat ini dia sudah menjadi dokter sukes , mohon maaf bagi yang bersangkutan bukan bermaksud menyinggung perasaan anda saya hanya berusaha memeberi contoh riil yang jelas jelas di depan mata saya. Kemudian saat ini dia memiliki dua orang putri , putri yang pertama sadar akan keadaan dirinya dan dia berusaha mermperbaiki keadaan dia berusaha keras agar nasib yang terjadi pada ibunya tidak berulang padanya , tapi yang di sayangkan putri yang ke dua mengadopsi sifat ibunya sepenuhnya ,sangat tidak bisa di atur dan mengikuti kemauannya tanpa bisa di kendalikan sungguh menyedihkan bila saya melihat keadaan tersebut saat ini . betapa mengerikan reaksinya bila melihat seorang laki-laki istilahnya " Ganjen berad ". Tapi sang ibu, kakak dan ayahnya sebagai orang dekatnya tidak bisa memberi tahu bahwa hal tersebut salah , dia tetap melakukan kesemua tersebut sesuka hati dia . Sungguh saya iba melihat hal tersebut tapi dapat saya belajar , saya bisa memprediksikan kemungkinan sejarah akan berulang yang terjadi pada ibunya akan terjadi pula pada anaknya .hal ini di atas di lihat dari sudut pandang saya , silahkan commen anda di tunggu bila tidak berkenan

Seni berteman

Segala sesuatu yg kita lakukan akan kembali ke kita. Istilahnya . Saat kita menanam kebaikan terhadap seseorang maka kebaikan pula yang akan kita tuai, dan bila kita menanam kejahatan maka kejahatan juga yang akan kita tuai .

Saya pernah mendengar kalimat "If you life by the sword and you die by the sword ." Saya akan memberi contoh kecil suatu waktu saya mengambil ATM di dekat rumah saya dan tidak sengaja orang sebelum saya tertinggal ATM miliknya dan di dalam transaksi nya belum selesai , sewaktu itu saya cek saldonya masih ada uang sekitar 7 jutaan seandainya saya jahat saat itu juga saya bisda mentransfer uang dia ke rekening saya tapi saya tidak sampai hati , ga tega yang saya lakukan saya panggil dia lagi dan saya bilang ATM miliknya tertinggal , saya berdoa mudah mudahan suatu saat saya melakukan eksalahan yang sama ada orang yang mau berbaik hati mengingatkan kesalahan yang saya tersebut . Dan memang benar hal itu pun terjadi saya di saat yang lain ATM saya tertinggal adalah orang asing yang mengingatkan " Mas ATMnya " wah padahal seandainya dia berniat jahat habislah uang saya di ATM saya sungguh bersyukur akan kejadian tersebut . Jadi teman-teman inti dari pembicaraan saya adalah berbuatlah baik pada siapa saja, dan janganlah mengharap imbalan dari kebaikan yang kita lakukan . Imbalan bisa bermacam-mancam jenisnya ada yang riil ada yg tidak . Janganlah kita berbuat kebaikan berharap suatu pujian karena pujian akan menyesatkan seseorang , pujian yang di berikan pada kita adalah cobaan . pujian membutakan sesorang. karena kita tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang

Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008

Masalah adalah berkah

Pernahkah anda berfikir menjadi orang yang paling menderita di dunia karena memiliki masalah yang banyak?
sayang sekali bila anda berfikir demikian , karena menurut saya masalah adalah semacam pisau .dengan memegang pisau di mata yang tajam maka terlukalah kita tapi bila kita bisa memegang pisau tersebut di gagangnya maka akan berbeda ceritanya.
jadi bila pintar kita bisa memegang pisau tersebut dengan benar maka masalah tersebut akan menjadi kesempatan untuk kita.karena dengan adanya masalah adalah tempat ujian seorang manusia untuk mengevaluasi diri , dengan ada masalah kita akan makin belajar , dengan membaca situasi ,kita dapat melihat setiap hal di dunia ini terdapat 2 sisi yaitu sisi positif dan negatif . makin sering kita mendapat masalah makin banyak kita belajar , makin bisa kita melihat ke dua sisi tersebut berarti makin pintar kita jadi orang dan bila kita bisa memanfaatkan kesemua sisi positif dari segala masalah yang terjadi. dan andapun pasti akan memiliki perspektif yang baru dalam hidup ini.
Saya ingin memberi salah satu contoh simple, beberapa bulan lalu saya mendapat sakit hepatitis A , hal tersebut terjadi saat saya memulai kuliah saya di S 2. Pertama-pertama saya memang merasa berat hati, merasa mengapa TUHAN memeberi saya cobaan seperti ini. "Ga cukup apa kuliah sibuk eh sakit lg ". Tapi setelah saya mengevaluasi diri , saat saya sakit saya melihat beberapa hal kesalahan yang harus saya perbaiki dari mulai penyebab sakit , penyebabnya adalah saya makan sembarangan makan pecel lele di pinggir jalan. Dari hal tersebut saya bisa melihat yang pertama komitmen si pedagang tersebut terhadap pelanggan sangat kurang sehingga dia tidak menjaga kualitas makannya. Lalu saya bisa belajar seandainya saya mulai bekerja atau berbisnis bila tidak di barengi komitmen diri maka orang lain lah yang menjadi korban.
Kemudian saya bisa melihat keterbatasan diri saya sebagai seorang manusia .Sepintar pintarnya manusia , sehebat hebatnya manusia dia ada batasnya. Sepertinya halnya hidup kita, memiliki umur untuk hidup di dunia . Adalah hak kita mengisi hidup kita dengan hal-hal yang tidak benar karena manusia adalah mahluk paling berkuasa di dunia . Tapi sangat di sayangkan bila hal tersebut kita lakukan . Bisa saja selama hidup kita mengejar segala nafsu tapi bila kita mengejar nafsu dunia tidak ada habisnya , nafsu terhadap harta ataupun sex. Bahasan saya ini saya rasa berat di jalankan karena sayapun masih dalam proses pembelajaran. Masih terlalu jauh dari sempurna dalam menjalankan , maaf bukan bermaksud menggurui .
Dengan saya melihat saya terbatas , maka saya sadar bahwa saya butuh orang lain baik dalam hidup maupun bekerja jadi kita harus menjaga hubungan baik dengan sesama.
dengan saya sakit juga saya sadar bahwa gaya hidup sehat amatlah penting. Dengan bertambahnya umur harus dibarengi dengan gaya hidup yang lebih sehat dan mengatur diri yang lebih baik , maka saya belajar berusaha hidup dengan mementingkan kebutuhan di atas keinginan walaupun hal tersebut masih dalam proses belajar.
Kemudian saya bisa belajar sehat itu mahal maka harus di jaga sebaik-baiknya.
sifat diri yang harus di rubah dari hal tersebur adalah harus memerangi sifat rakus dalam diri dan sifat menyepelekan dalam hidup .
Karena dalam proses kaizen adalah berusaha memperbaiki diri ke arah yg lebih baik.

Kamis, 25 Desember 2008


Pernahkah anda bertanya apakah arti cinta ?
cobalah anda merenung memikirkan apakah cinta itu ?
bisakah anda jelaskan?
misalkan suatu hari anda baru mendapat pacar ,kemudian janjian mau bertemu yang tercinta ,adalah perasaan yang menggebu-gebu saat akan bertemu pasangan ,bila menurut anda apakah itu cinta?
bukan persaan itu bukan cinta ,itu hanya perasaan kangen.
kemudian anda sedang melakukan hubungan intim dengan pasangan anda adalah perasaan yang luar biasa terhadap pasangan , apakah itu cinta?
bukan itu nafsu birahi
suatu waktu ada perasaan impulsif saat saat tertentu kangen pada pasangan bila mana pasangan gtersebut tidak ada di sebelah ,apakah itu cinta?
bukan anda hanya berbunga-bunga terhadap pasangan anda
jadi menurut anda apakah itu cinta?
menurut pandangan saya cinta adalah kepercayaan .suatu perasaan yang tumbuh dalam waktu yang cukup lama tidak cukup 1-2 tahun . cinta hanya bisa tumbuh oleh waktu . dan hanya bisa hilang oleh waktu juga bila tidak di mantain dengan benar

keseimbangan dengan pasangan

Tuhan menciptakan laki-laki dan perempuan.
keduanya memiliki fungsi masing -masing dalam hidup
saling melengkapi ,beriringan dan berkesimbungan.saling menyeimbangkan bagai hitam dan putih ,siang dan malam ,bumi dan bulan .dari sudut pandang saya Tuhan menciptakan laki-laki untuk berkuasa di muka bumi .mengatur ,mengendalikan ,memantau dan wanita betugas mengasuh penguasa tersebut.maka ada istilah di belakang laki-kali hebat terdapat wanita yang hebat. bayangan saya seperti sebuah rumah
ayah adalah sebagai atap dan ibu sebagai tiang-tiang rumah tersebut ,rumah yang nyaman adalah rumah yang sejuk memberikan rasa aman untuk penghuninya ,bila saya menggambarkan sang ayah memberikan keteduhan untuk rumah tersebut dan sang ibu memberikan ketabahan dalam rumah tersebut .sebagai contoh seorang ayah yang baik adalah seorang ayah saat dia pulang kantor dia melupakan masalah dia di kantor dan pulang memberikan keteduhan bagi rumahnya pulang dengan senyuman membuat seisi rumah merindukan dia. Dan ibu yang baik walaupun dia bermasalah di rumah misal uang belanja yang kurang tapi dia tidak memperlihatkan kegundahannya saat sang ayah pulang dia akan meyambut ayah bak sang raja ,melayani dengan sepenuh hati . Dapat di kita bayangkan apa yang terjadi saat ayah tertawa pulang dan ibu tersenyum melihat sang suami pulang, hal tersebut akan tertanam di benak anaknya "oh inilah keluarga yang sebenarnya penuh kehangatan" Anakpun akan merasa nyaman di rumah dia tidak akan lari keluar ,dia dapat meneruskan ilmu yang dia dapat saat hidup dalam keluarga ke keturunannya kelak.
Adalah percuma atap rumah bagus tapi tidak di topang oleh tiang yang bagus, rumah tesebut akan rubuh dan percuma juga bila tiang yang bagus tapi atap rumah bolong ,penghuninya akan merasa tidak aman karena panas saat ada matahari dan basah saat hujan. jadi pilihlah pasangan anda dengan bijak.
hidup adalah pilihan ,kita memilih dalam hidup .Termasuk kita memilih pasangan hidup ,dalam memilih pasangan hidup cobalah kita renungkan carilah pasangan yang kita butuhkan bukan yang kita inginkan. Terkadang keduanya berseberangan berjauhan bagai bumi dan langit .jujur dalam merubah persepsi tersebut adalah hal yang tidak mudah di butuhkan komitmen yang tinggi dari orang yang bersangkutan. dari dahulu saya perpendapat bila mencari pasangan adalah yang tinggi ,cantik ,rambut panjang yah pilihan semua laki-laki lah tapi sejalannya hidup ternyata yang saya inginkan tidak seusai dengan yang saya butuhkan ternyata pasangan hidup bukanlah hanya sekedar fisik .masih ada pikiran orang tersebut dan karakternya ,setelah saya mempelajari diri saya tentang keseimbangan kepala ,hati dan badan maka saya mengerti pasangan yang saya butuhkan berbeda jauh dengan yang saya inginkan .karena muka cantik ada umurnya tapi karakter seseorang sangat susah di ubah walaupun bisa. cobalah anda renungkan apakah pasangan anda adalah yang anda butuhkan sekarang?
jujurlah pada diri anda sendiri.

Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

keseimbangan dalam hidup

Hidup di mata saya adalah pengendalian diri mencari keseimbangan.
Adalah hal yang tidak mudah mengengdalikan diri kita dengan menyatukan kepala, hati dan badan. cukup sulit cobalah saat ini anda merenungkan
samakah keinginan ketiganya?
mungkin saat ini

Pikiran anda : berfikir tentang pekerjaan anda.

hati anda : sedang gundah gulana dikarenakan anda sedang ada konflik dengan pasangan anda

badan anda : butuh makan

Di karenakan anda sendang dibebani dengan pekerjaan , kemudian keadaan hati yang gundah gulana tidak mementu ,terkadang kita hayut dengan keadaan tersebut membuat hal yang kita butuhkan terlupakan , jadi yang anda kerjakan saat ini adalah menghanyutkan diri dengan pekerjaan . Lari dari masalah percintaan sampai anda lupa makan kemudian di biarkan berlarut- larut dan pada akhirnya andapun terkena penyakit maag .
Manusia adalah sumbernya lupa dan kesalahan , dengan keadaan
badan sakit ,hati sakit ,kepala sakit, ada beberapa dari kita menyalahkan TUHAN , orang orang tersebut merasa mengapaDIA memberi cobaan yang begitu berat. Padahal keadaan tersebut kesalahan orang tersebut . Ada beberapa dari kita mengumpat menyalahkan DIA penyebab keadaan anda sekarang . sehingga dia meninggalkan TUHAN . saat kita meninggalkan sumber cahaya maka tersesatlah kita ,karena menurut saya DIA adalah sumbare cayaha hidup , tanpa DIA maka apalah arti hidup saya.
saran saya bila anda mendapat suatu prsoalan hidup yang pertama harus anda lakukan adalah berpasrah padaNYA.
Lalu berdoalah padaNYA mohon petunjuk mohon bimbinganNYA agar kita di beri tuntunan untuk melewati cobaan saat ini . Lalu anda bisa belajar dari persoalan hidup saat ini. karena setiap kejadian selalu ada 2 sini ada sisi terang dan sisi gelap berusahalah selalu melihat suatu kejadian jangan dari satu sudut pandang saja tapi dari sudut pandang yang lain , bila anda bisa melaluinya saya yakin anda akan melihat suatu persoalan hidup dari perspektif yang sama sekali baru .Dalam hidup ini tidak ada istilah tidak bisa yang ada adalah tidak mau anda bisa mencari tahu potensi diri yang anda miliki karena banyak penelitian rata-rata manusia tidak menggunakan otaknya paling hanya beberapa persen dari 100% , kemudian lawan ego kita terimalah bahwa kita memang salah ,dengan menerima diri salah maka jalan kita akan terbuka. Melawan ego yang ada di dalam hati adalah hal yang tidak mudah di lakukan walau mudah di ucapkan . bila anda berhasil dengan hal di atas saya yakin anda bisa di sebut orang yang berhasil.
selalu berdoa agar kita tidak sesat .
Bila kita berhasil mengendalikan diri , yang saya maksud dalam semua sisi kehidupan sudah dapat di pastikan orang akan percaya kita ,bahwa kita memiliki kapabilitas sebagai pemimpin.
Karena keberhasilan bukan hanya di nilai dari banyaknya uang . tapi bergunakah orang tersebut bagi orang banyak. di situlah seseorang di katakan berhasil ,walaupun banyak orang yang menilai uang adalah yang terpenting di hidupnya.

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008


Robotics in Antiquity

Likely fictional, the Iliad illustrates the concept of robotics by stating that the god Hephaestus made talking mechanical handmaidens out of gold. Around 400 BC, Archytas of Tarentum is reputed to have built a mechanical pigeon, possibly powered by steam, capable of flying. Not only representing one of the earliest works in the field of robotics, the wooden pigeon was also an early study of flight. Philosophers (notably Aristotle in 322 BC) have also dreamed of automatons and tools capable of working independently of people as an idea of bringing about equality.

In ancient China, a curious account on automata is found in the Lie Zi text, written in the 3rd century BC. Within it there is a description of a much earlier encounter between King Mu of Zhou (1023-957 BC) and a mechanical engineer known as Yan Shi, an 'artificer'. The latter proudly presented the king with a life-size, human-shaped figure of his mechanical 'handiwork' (Wade-Giles spelling):

"The king stared at the figure in astonishment. It walked with rapid strides, moving its head up and down, so that anyone would have taken it for a live human being. The artificer touched its chin, and it began singing, perfectly in tune. He touched its hand, and it began posturing, keeping perfect time...As the performance was drawing to an end, the robot winked its eye and made advances to the ladies in attendance, whereupon the king became incensed and would have had Yen Shih [Yan Shi] executed on the spot had not the latter, in mortal fear, instantly taken the robot to pieces to let him see what it really was. And, indeed, it turned out to be only a construction of leather, wood, glue and lacquer, variously coloured white, black, red and blue. Examining it closely, the king found all the internal organs complete—liver, gall, heart, lungs, spleen, kidneys, stomach and intestines; and over these again, muscles, bones and limbs with their joints, skin, teeth and hair, all of them artificial...The king tried the effect of taking away the heart, and found that the mouth could no longer speak; he took away the liver and the eyes could no longer see; he took away the kidneys and the legs lost their power of locomotion. The king was delighted.

Early water clocks, or clepsydra, are sometimes grouped in with the beginning of robotics. It was common to attempt to make such clocks automatic (such as a clepsydra by Ctesibius), or to decorate them with complicated astrological designs (popular in the Eastern world). Of particular interest in China, these astrological clocks led to extremely complex works such as Su Song's clock tower in 1088 AD, which featured moving mannequins, among other devices.

Robotics in the Middle Age

Al-Jazari's programmable humanoid robots

In the 8th century, the Muslim alchemist, Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber), included recipes for constructing artificial snakes, scorpions, and humans which would be subject to their creator's control in his coded Book of Stones. In 827, Caliph al-Mamun had a silver and golden tree in his palace in Baghdad, which had the features of an automatic machine. There were metal birds that sang automatically on the swinging branches of this tree built by Muslim inventors and engineers at the time. The Abbasid Caliph al-Muktadir also had a golden tree in his palace in Baghdad in 915, with birds on it flapping their wings and singing. In the 9th century, the Banū Mūsā brothers invented an automatic flute player which appears to have been the first programmable machine, and which they described in their Book of Ingenious Devices.

Al-Jazari is credited with creating the earliest forms of a programmable humanoid robot in 1206. Al-Jazari's automaton was originally a boat with four automatic musicians that floated on a lake to entertain guests at royal drinking parties. His mechanism had a programmable drum machine with pegs (cams) that bump into little levers that operated the percussion. The drummer could be made to play different rhythms and different drum patterns if the pegs were moved around. According to Charles B. Fowler, the automata were a "robot band" which performed "more than fifty facial and body actions during each musical selection."

Al-Jazari also invented a hand washing automaton first employing the flush mechanism now used in modern flush toilets. It features a female automaton standing by a basin filled with water. When the user pulls the lever, the water drains and the female automaton refills the basin. His "peacock fountain" was another more sophisticated hand washing device featuring humanoid automata as servants which offer soap and towels. Mark E. Rosheim describes it as follows: "Pulling a plug on the peacock's tail releases water out of the beak; as the dirty water from the basin fills the hollow base a float rises and actuates a linkage which makes a servant figure appear from behind a door under the peacock and offer soap. When more water is used, a second float at a higher level trips and causes the appearance of a second servant figure — with a towel!" Al-Jazari thus appears to have been the first inventor to display an interest in creating human-like machines for practical purposes such as manipulating the environment for human comfort.

1400 to 1800

Interest in automata was either mostly non-existent in medieval Europe, or unrecorded. Leonardo Da Vinci designed a humanoid automaton in knight's armor (see Leonardo's robot) in 1495 to entertain, but it is not known if the design was ever built.

Between 1500 and 1800, many automatons were built including ones capable of acting, drawing, flying, and playing music; several mechanical calculators were also built in this time period, some of the most famous ones are Wilhelm Schickard's “Calculating Clock”, Blaise Pascal'sPascaline”, and the “Liebniz Stepped Drum”, by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. In 1533, Johannes Müller von Königsberg created an automaton eagle and fly made of iron; both could fly. John Dee is also famous for creating a wooden beetle, capable of flying.

Some of the most famous works of the period were created by Jacques de Vaucanson in 1737, including an automaton flute player, tambourine player, and his most famous work, “The Digesting Duck”. Vaucanson's duck was capable of imitating a real duck by flapping its wings (over 400 parts were in each of the wings alone), eat grain, digest it, and defecate; the duck was powered by weights.

John Kay invented his flying shuttle in 1733, and the Spinning Jenny was invented in 1764 by James Hargreaves, each radically increasing the speed of production in the weaving and spinning industries respectively. The Spinning Jenny is hand-powered and requires a skilled operator; Samuel Crompton's Spinning Mule first developed in 1779 is a fully automated power driven spinning machine capable of spinning hundreds of threads at once.

Richard Arkwright built a water powered weaving machine, and factory around it in 1781, starting the Industrial Revolution. By 1800, cloth production was completely automated. With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, the idea of automata began to be applied to industry, as cost and time saving devices.

1801 to 1900

Improvements in the weaving industry had led to large amounts of automation, and the idea of programmable machines became popular with Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine Babbage conceived his Analytical Engine as a replacement for his uncompleted Difference Engine; this larger, more complex device would be able to perform multiple operations, and would be operated by punch cards. Construction of the Analytical Engine was never completed; work was begun in 1833. However, Ada Lovelace's work on the project has resulted in her being credited as the first computer programmer.

George Boole invented a new type of symbolic logic in 1847 instrumental to the creation of computers and robots.

1901 to 1950

The word robot was popularized by Czech author Karel Capek in his 1921 play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots). According to Karel, his brother Josef was the actual inventor of the word “robot”, creating the word from the Czech word “robota”, meaning servitude. In 1926, Fritz Lang's Metropolis was released; Maria (a main character) was the first robot seen on film. The world's first robot, a humanoid named Televox operated through the telephone system, was constructed in the United States in 1927. In 1928, Makoto Nishimura produced Japan's first robot, Gakutensoku.

Vannevar Bush created the first differential analyzer at the Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT). Known as the Differential Analyzer, the computer could solve differential equations.[27] 1940 brought about the creation of two electrical computers, John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry's Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC).

Ultimately, ideas from ABC were stolen for ENIAC.[28]

In the UK, the Robinson machine was designed for the British war effort in cracking Enigma messages. This was done at the British code-breaking establishment at Bletchley Park; Ultra is the name for the intelligence so received. Robinson was superseded by Colossus, which was built in 1943 to decode FISH messages by the British group Ultra; it was designed by Tommy Flowers and was 100 to 1000 times faster than Robinson, and was the first fully electronic computer. The Bletchley machines were kept secret for decades, and so do not appear in histories of computing written until recently. After the war, Tommy Flowers joined the team that built the early Manchester computers.

In Germany, Konrad Zuse built the first fully programmable digital computer in the world (the Z3) in 1941; it would later be destroyed in 1944. Zuse was also known for building the first binary computer from 1936 to 1938, called the Z1; he also built the Z4, his only machine to survive World War II.

The first American programmable computer was completed in 1944 by Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper. The Mark I (as it was called) ran computations for the US Navy until 1959. ENIAC was built in 1946 and gained fame because of its reliability, speed, and versatility. John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly spent 3 years building ENIAC, which weighed over 60,000 lbs. The first Turtles (Elmo and Elsie) are created by pioneer roboticist William Grey Walter in 1949. In 1950, UNIVAC I (also by Eckert and Mauchley) handled the US Census results; it was the third commercially marketed computer that worked on delivery (in December 1951).

The first working digital computer to be sold was Zuse's Z4 in Germany; the fully electronic US BINAC was sold twelve months earlier in September 1949 but it never worked reliably at the customer's site due to mishandling in transit. Second was the UK's Ferranti Mark 1 delivered in February 1951, the first software programmable digital electronic computer to be sold that worked upon delivery. It was based on the world's first software programmable digital electronic computer, Manchester's SSME of 1948.

Also in 1951, LEO became operational in the UK. It was built by Lyons for its own use: this was the world's first software programmable digital electronic computer for commercial applications, exploiting the US development of mercury delay line memory, and built with the support of the Cambridge EDSAC project. LEO was used for commercial work running business application programs, the first of which was rolled out 17 November 1951.

1951 to 2000

After 1950, computers (and robotics), began to rapidly increase in both complexity and numbers as the technology needed to make the devices became easier to produce.

1951 to 1960

Eckert and Mauchly completed EDVAC in 1951. An improvement on ENIAC and UNIVAC, EDVAC used mercury delay lines to store data, making it the USA's first software stored program computer. In 1952, the television network CBS correctly predicted the election of Dwight D. Eisenhower as president using UNIVAC. In 1952 IBM announced its 701 model computer, marketed towards scientific use, it was designed by Nathaniel Rochester. Stanislaw Ulam and physicist Paul Stein converted MANIAC I (used for solving calculations involved in creating the hydrogen bomb) to play a modified game of chess in 1956; it was the first computer to beat a human in a game of chess. The term “Artificial Intelligence was created at a conference held at Dartmouth College in 1956. Alan Newell, J. C. Shaw, and Herbert Simon pioneered the newly created artificial intelligence field with the (Logic Theory Machine (1956), and the General Problem Solver in 1957. In 1958, John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky started the MIT Artificial Intelligence lab with $50,000. John McCarthy also created LISP in the summer of 1958, a programming language still important in artificial intelligence research. Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce invented the integrated circuit or chip in 1959 ,the inventors worked independent of each other. This development eventually revolutionized computers by affecting both the size and speed.

1961 to 1970

Unimate, the first industrial robot ever created began work on the General Motors assembly line in 1961. conceived of in 1954 by George Devol and Joseph Engelberger over lunch .Unimate was made by the company Unimation. Unimate is remembered as the first industrial robot. In 1962 John McCarthy founded the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford University. The Rancho Arm was developed as a robotic arm to help handicapped patients at the Rancho Los Amigos Hospital in Downey, California . this computer controlled arm was bought by Stanford University in 1963. IBM announced its IBM System/360 in 1964. The system was heralded as being more powerful, faster, and more capable than its predecessors. In 1965, Gordon Moore, a co-founder of Intel in 1968, develops what will become known as Moore's Law; the idea that the number of components capable of being built onto a chip will double every two years. The same year, doctoral student Edward Feigenbaum, geneticist and biochemist Joshua Lederberg, and Bruce Buchanan (who held a degree in philosophy) begin work on the DENDRAL, an expert system designed to work in the field of organic chemistry. Feigenbaum also founded the Heuristic Programming Project in 1965, it later became the Stanford Knowledge Systems Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. The programMac Hack was also written in 1966 ,it beat artificial intelligence critic Hubert Dreyfus in a game of chess. The program was created by Richard Greenblatt. Seymour Papert created the Logo programming language in 1967. It was designed as an educational programming language. The film 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968; the movie prominently features HAL 9000, a malevolent artificial intelligence unit which controls a spacecraft. Marvin Minsky created the Tentacle Arm in 1968; the arm was computer controlled and its 12 joints were powered by hydraulics. Mechanical Engineering student Victor Scheinman created the Stanford Arm in 1969; the Stanford Arm is recognized as the first electronic computer controlled robotic arm (Unimate's instructions were stored on a magnetic drum). The first floppy disc was released in 1970; it was eight inches in diameter and read-only. The first mobile robot capable of reasoning about its surroundings, Shakey was built in 1970 by the Stanford Research Institute. Shakey combined multiple sensor inputs, including TV cameras, laser rangefinders, and “bump sensors” to navigate.

1971 to 1980

The first microprocessor, called the 4004 was created by Ted Hoff at Intel in 1971. Measuring 1/8th of an inch by 1/16th of an inch, the chip itself was more powerful than ENIAC. Artificial intelligence critic Hubert Dreyfuss published his influential book “What Computers Can't Do” in 1972. Douglas Trumbull's “Silent Running” was released in 1972; the movie was notable for the three robot co-stars, named Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Released in 1973 was the logic based programming language PROLOG; this logic based language becomes important in the field of artificial intelligence. Freddy and Freddy II, both built in the United Kingdom, were robots capable of assembling wooden blocks in a period of several hours. German based company KUKA built the world's first industrial robot with six electromechanically driven axes, known as FAMULUS. In 1974, David Silver designed The Silver Arm; the Silver Arm was capable of fine movements replicating human hands. Feedback was provided by touch and pressure sensors and analyzed by a computer. MYCIN, an expert system developed to study decisions and prescriptions relating to blood infections. MYCIN was written in Lisp. Marvin Minsky published his landmark paper “A Framework for Representing Knowledge” on artificial intelligence.[61] By 1975, four expert systems relating to medicine had been created; PIP, MYCIN, CASNET, and Internist. 1975: more than 5,000 computers were sold in the United States, and the first personal computer was introduced. The Kurzweil Reading Machine (invented by Raymond Kurzweil), intended to help the blind, was released in 1976. Capable of recognizing characters, the machine formulated pronunciation based on programmed rules. Based on studies of flexible objects in nature (such as elephant trunks and the vertebrae of snakes), Shigeo Hirose designed the Soft Gripper in 1976 the gripper was capable of conforming to the object it was grasping. The knowledge based system Automated Mathematician was presented by Douglas Lenat in 1976 as part of his doctoral dissertation. Automated Mathematician began with a knowledge of 110 concepts and rediscovered many mathematical principles; Automated Mathematician was written in Lisp. Joseph Weizenbaum (creator of ELIZA, a program capable of simulating a Rogerian physcotherapist) published Computer Power and Human Reason, presenting an argument against the creation of artificial intelligence. Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak created the Apple Computer in 1977, and released the Apple II. George Lucas' movie Star Wars was also released in 1977. Star Wars featured two robots; an android named C-3PO and R2-D2, both of which become extremely iconic as robots. Voyagers 1 and 2 were launched in 1977 to explore the solar system. The 30 year old robotic space probes continue to transmit data back to earth and are approaching the heliopause and interstellar space. The SCARA, Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm, was created in 1978 as an efficient, 4-axis robotic arm. Best used for picking up parts and placing them in another location, the SCARA was introduced to assembly lines in 1981. XCON, an expert system designed to customize orders for industrial use, was released in 1979. The Stanford Cart successfully crossed a room full of chairs in 1979. The Stanford Cart relied primarily on stereo vision to navigate and determine distances. The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University was founded in 1979 by Raj Reddy.

1981 to 1990

Takeo Kanade created the first “direct drive arm” in 1981. The first of its kind, the arm's motors were contained within the robot itself, eliminating long transmissions. IBM released its first personal computer (PC) in 1981, the name of the computer was responsible for popularizing the term “personal computer”. Prospector a “computer-based consultation program for mineral exploration”, created in 1976, discovered an unknown deposit of molybdenum in Washington state. The expert system had been updated annually since its creation. The Fifth Generation Computer Systems Project (FGCS) was started in 1982. Its goals were knowledge based information processing and massive parallelism in a supercomputer, artificial intelligence like system. Cyc, a project to create a database of common sense for artificial intelligence, was started in 1984 by Douglas Leant. The program attempts to deal with ambiguity in language, and is still underway. The first program to publish a book, the expert system Racter, programmed by William Chamberlain and Thomas Etter, wrote the book “The Policeman's Beard is Half-Constructed” in 1983. It is now thought that a system of complex templates were used. In 1984 Wabot-2 was revealed; capable of playing the organ, Wabot-2 had 10 fingers and two feet. Wabot-2 was able to read a score of music and accompany a person. In 1985, Kawasaki Heavy Industries' license agreement with Unimation was terminated; Kawasaki began to produce its own robots. Their first robot was released one year later. By 1986, artificial intelligence revenue was about $1 billion US dollars. Chess playing programs HiTech and Deep Thought defeated chess masters in 1989. Both were developed by Carnegie Mellon University; Deep Thought development paved the way for the Deep Blue. In 1986, Honda began its humanoid research and development program to create robots capable of interacting successfully with humans. Artificial intelligence related technologies, not including robots, now produce a revenue of $1.4 billion US dollars. In 1988, Stäubli Group purchased Unimation. The Connection Machine was built in 1988 by Daniel Hillis; the supercomputer used 64,000 processors simultaneously. A hexapodal robot named Genghis was revealed by MIT in 1989. Genghis was famous for being made quickly and cheaply due to construction methods; Genghis used 4 microprocessors, 22 sensors, and 12 servo motors. Rodney Brooks and Anita M. Flynn published “Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control: A Robot Invasion of The Solar System”. The paper advocated creating smaller cheaper robots in greater numbers to increase production time and decrease the difficulty of launching robots into space.

1991 to 2000

While competing in a 1993 NASA sponsored competition, Carnegie Mellon University's eight legged robot Dante failed to collect gases from Mt. Erebus because of a broken fiber optic cable. Dante was designed to scale slopes and harvest gases near the surface of the magma; however, the failure in the cable did not permit the robot to enter the active volcano. In 1994, Dante II entered Mt. Spurr and successfully sampled the gases within the volcano. The biometric robot RoboTuna was built by doctoral student David Barrett at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1996 to study how fish swim in water. RoboTuna is designed to swim and resemble a blue fin tuna. Invented by Dr. John Adler, in 1994, the Cyberknife (a stereotactic radiosurgery performing robot) represented a faster method of performing surgery with equivalent accuracy to one done by human doctors. Honda's P2 humanoid robot was first shown in 1996. Standing for “Prototype Model 2”, P2 was an integral part of Honda's humanoid development project; over 6 feet tall, P2 was smaller than its predecessors and appeared to be more human like in its motions. Expected to only operate for seven days, the Sojourner rover finally shuts down after 83 days of operation in 1997. This small robot (only weighing 23 lbs) performed semi-autonomous operations on the surface of Mars as part of the Mars Pathfinder mission; equipped with an obstacle avoidance program, Sojourner was capable of planning and navigating routes to study the surface of the planet. Sojourner's ability to navigate with little data about its environment and nearby surroundings allowed the robot to react to unplanned events and objects. Also in 1997, IBM's chess playing program Deep Blue beat the then current World Chess Champion Gary Kasparov playing at the “Grandmaster” level. The super computer was a specialized version of a framework produced by IBM, and was capable of processing twice as many moves per second as it had during the first match (which Deep Blue had lost), reportedly 200,000,000 moves per second. The event was broadcast live over the internet and received over 74 million hits. The P3 humanoid robot was revealed by Honda in 1998 as a part of the company's continuing humanoid project. In 1999, Sony introduced the AIBO, a robotic dog capable of interacting with humans, the first models released in Japan sold out in 20 minutes. Honda revealed the most advanced result of their humanoid project in 2000, named ASIMO. ASIMO is capable of running, walking, communication with humans, facial and environmental recognition, voice and posture recognition, and interacting with its environment. Sony also revealed its Sony Dream Robots, small humanoid robots in development for entertainment. In October 2000, the United Nations estimated that there were 742,500 industrial robots in the world, with more than half of the robots being used in Japan.

2001 to the present

In April 2001, the Canadarm2 was launched into orbit and attached to the International Space Station. The Canadarm2 is a larger, more capable version of the arm used by the Space Shuttle and is hailed as being “smarter.” Also in April, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Global Hawk made the first autonomous non-stop flight over the Pacific Ocean from Edwards Air Force Base in California to RAAF Base Edinburgh in Southern Australia. The flight was made in 22 hours. The popular Roomba, a robotic vacuum cleaner, was first released in 2002 by the company iRobot. In 2004, Cornell University revealed a robot capable of self-replication; a set of cubes capable of attaching and detaching, the first robot capable of building copies of itself. On January 3rd and 24th the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity land on the surface of Mars. Launched in 2003, the two robots will drive many times the distance originally expected, and are still operating. All 15 teams competing in the 2004 DARPA Grand Challenge failed to complete the course, with no robot successfully navigating more than five percent of the 150 mile off road course, leaving the $1 million dollar prize unclaimed. In the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge, five teams completed the off-road course; Stanford University's Stanley won first place and the $2 million dollar prize. Also in 2005, Honda revealed a new version of its ASIMO robot, updated with new behaviors and capabilities. In 2006, Cornell University revealed its “Starfish” robot, a 4-legged robot capable of self modeling and learning to walk after having been damaged. In September of 2007, Google announced its Lunar X Prize. The Lunar X Prize offers 30 million dollars to the first private company which lands a rover on the moon and sends images back to earth. In 2007, TOMY launched the entertainment robot, i-sobot, which is a humanoid bipedal robot that can walk like a human beings and performs kicks and punches and also some entertaining tricks and special actions under "Special Action Mode".

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